Unweave the Story. What if a seemingly ordinary purchase could change the world? Over half of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) across Asia & the Pacific are led by women. However, despite their contributions, these women entrepreneurs face significant...
From Battambang, With Love Through this short animation, we want to pay tribute to our beloved city. All of us in Battambang know the “Black Man Statue”. It belongs to the legend of Ta Dumbong which translates to “Lost Stick” and tells the story of a...
MAKE A WISH The Angel Kemera Devi comes down to protect the Earth, riding her buffalo. According to the Cambodian legend, she is carrying her father’s head in a ceremonial circle around Mount Someru and down to the Earth during three days. She then returns to the...
Fight the Monster, Beat Plastic! Cambodia’s growing economy and population over the last decades have led to an exponential increase in the volume of solide waste, including plastic. Together, we can fight against the plastic pollution’s devastating impact...
Many people do not know or have access to social protection programs and their benefits provided by the Government of Cambodia. Often, an equity card is needed to access these programs. Watch the video to learn more about existing social protections programs in...