“Adventure in the Kingdom of Food” exciting journey turned Cambodian primary school students into explorers in a quest through the rich and colorful local foods, encouraging families to make nutritious choices together. We designed playful tools with our...
Our product highlight video is an immersive journey along the pages of the very first Cambodian creative magazine for kids named ក្រូចឆ្មារ / Kroojchmar. We are very proud to support this inspiring project for children to create, play and learn through art! Besides,...
Introducing crop insurance scheme for small holder farmers in Cambodia: Illustration of educational manuals Agriculture is one of the major economic spearheads of Cambodia. However, most Cambodian farmers are still doing their farming using the traditional methods....
“What looks clean might not be safe” is one of PHB Activity’s campaigns. This campaign is implementing a social and behavior change (SBC) activity with its local implementing partners, KHEMRA in Tbong Khmom to greatly reduce diarrhea by making it...
We are pride of our collaboration with SNV Cambodia for the development of am illustrated guideline book for Organic Agriculture practice in Cambodia, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.